Democrats just need to really understand what the problem is. Karl Rove wasn't no freaking genius. He just figured out that the majority of the public wants simple messages. They like black and white, good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, us vs. them. And they want the message capsulized so they don't have to think about it.
That is why they have been so effective. We democrats tend to be thoughtful, recognize complexity and nuance, and care enough about our fellow man to do so.
Why is their "PORK" bullshit right now so effective even though its basically bullshit? Because the "they are wasting money and it will cost the taxpayers" is a very simple us vs. them, good vs. bad argument.
What we should be doing is employing the same tactic when our sensibilities allow it! For example, our message right now should be:
The republicans are putting your jobs in jeopardy! Us vs. them, not complex
The republicans just want tax cuts, and they proved for 8 years tax cuts don't work! Simple message
I don't listen to Limbaugh, but years ago when he first went national I figured out his was the same tactic. He blovates to fill air time, but he always hammers home the simplest black and white messages.
Simple messages and sound bites! Sure, we need to have places where people that care can go delve into the details and nuances of proposed policy... but for God's sake we need the basic message to be dirt simple!