and he can't turn water to wine, do miracles in 7 days or change the economy in two weeks. Like many of us understood, he's just a man. Give him a break. The talking heads should find a shark attack or missing kid and chill.
Obama does need to plow ahead with progressive plans to put an affordable health care system that we can buy into.... say, Medicare? He needs to ignore the Republicans and get this stimulus package through...creating a broad range of jobs for men and women, young and older. Think infrastructure, health care, the environment and the arts.
Obama needs to yell frankly. His calm voice and words all become the same and people stop listening.
Harry Reid, get Obama's nominees through and give him some undistracted support. Nancy Pelosi, herd your cats and threaten them with losing committee seats or their allowances.
Can we get some loud Democratic whiners please in Congress, the ones who will shut down the noise from the other side? Republicans certainly have that tactic down pat.