The questions are ridiculous...
- The current stimulus package supported by President Obama contains nearly $4.2 billion for neighborhood stabilization activities that could go to organizations such as ACORN or the League of Women Voters, that would spend it on voter registration activities and other community involvement programs. Do you favor or oppose this spending provision?
- Some people say that the nearly 1 trillion in debt and subsequent interest incurred by the stimulus bill during an economic downturn will make the recovery harder to achieve. Do you agree or disagree?
- The currently proposed stimulus bill contains money to subsidize dairy farmers so that they can take their dairy cows out of production in order to drive the price of milk up. Do you agree or disagree with this provision?
- Some Republicans say the Obama stimulus package spends too much and stimulates too little. Do you agree or disagree?
- The 30% of the American people who don't pay any federal income taxes are often still eligible for a rebate check from the federal government. Do you agree or disagree with this practice?
- The Stimulus bill would allow undocumented workers, who are also referred to as illegal aliens, who are working and paying taxes to collect a tax rebate check of $500 per person. Do you agree or disagree with this provision?
- President Obama just reversed a federal law that prohibited foreign governments or international agencies from using U.S. funds for abortions. Do you agree or disagree with President Obama's decision?