Wow. I follow this blog and have an RSS feed to it. I like following the latest and greatest for alternative fuels for automobiles. There was a blog on a study conducted by the University of Minnesota that didn't paint rosy pictures of Ethanol. Big deal. There's studies to the contrary. However, this one guy responds as such:
"This is absolute CRAP!
Ethanol is MUCH better than gas if you're RECEIVING taxpayer money to, grow, research, or distribute it. Ain't socialism (statism) fun? Ready for MORE "change", comrade? How about another $Trillion in taxpayer debt for PORK!
Global Warming = Global Socialist Gov't of, by and FOR the banking elite and YOU'RE paying for it!
Don't like it? STOP DRIVING!
(in other words... we're all screwed)"
I basically called him out on him being on the wrong blog.
His reply:
Sound words from one who can not (lacking capability) or will not (programmed) step back and look at the big picture of freedom vs. Statism. Gov't CHOOSE corn ethanol and only an astringe, a thief or a moron would be surprised that it isn't self-sustainable.
Apparently liberals/progressives/socialists/Statists hate free exchange of ideas as much as they hate every other type of free competition. Please go back to your bong and stop drinking the water."
My point...these guys are everwhere. Why is this guy on this blog? An alternative fuel blog called Autoblog GREEN would have to infer that most of the people following it would infact be "liberals/progressives/socialists/Statists" that he so angrily shuns.
I think they like pissing on parades. That's why the Republicans are stalling everything. If we can't have our party, I'm going to crash yours and ruin it.