Edited on Sun Mar-25-07 01:54 PM by The Straight Story
The recent vote, on what I like to call the 'no soldier left behind' act puts so many new dimensions on the whole war that even Stephen Hawking would have problems figuring it out all out.
Here's what I am yapping my ass off about: 1. No matter the wisdom or the reason, we voted to keep fighting the Iraqi nation and funding it. 2. We voted to keep troops there (and ostensibly Afghanistan I would guess) in harms way. 3. This may have been a bush war before, but now it is a bush/dem war. We just signed on as cosigners. We gave it money and said, keep it going until later. But then we will up and pull out...sorta...maybe. 4. As negative stories about the Iraq war keep popping up, more soldiers and iraqi's die, etc there will be two parties with blood on their hands (so to speak). So I can see the American people being confused if one party bitches.
Yes - I see the democratic party's quandary here: They don't have the votes to force an end to the war now (but at least they could try, and then if failed it would show the people that they tried and the repubs were the ones keeping it going), so they vote on something which puts some structure on the war in hoping to have some power over the whole thing.
Since we started in the middle by voting for the funding and time lines we are stuck with the meme 'the dems can't blame us for the war, they are the ones who voted to keep it going so therefore they must be in favor of it as well'.
When wars go bad, people look at those in power as being responsible. bush already has seen his ratings tank since he started and mismanaged the whole thing, now when new problems surface, more are dead, etc - our side might take some slides too. Especially now if things get worse, people will tie it back to our funding/timeline/requirements.
So maybe now it is not just to be called "bush's war on iraq" but "The Americans' war on Iraq", cause from where I sit - both parties are sending money, weapons, and soldiers there to keep fighting.
The politics of compromise have won again - our soldiers and Iraqi's lose. But hey, at least it looks like we all care.
What's next, funding to feed the mice and rats at walter reed?
I'll stick by our party and fight for them, no real choice other than to vote for someone who is not a republican.
We need the numbers, now maybe we will need to start spinning the whole Iraq thing as well to look good to the American people, lest we tank like the asshole in chief.