I'm very serious. They broke it. They bought it. I've never been so fed up with this in my life. I have a healthy dose of anger with Pelosi for her role in this fiasco, and I'm very aware of what a bunch of life sucking opportunists the republicans are.At this point if they can't get their shit together and do something for their country-for their constituents instead of their own egos then it's time to let them know enough is enough, and clearly plenty of us live in states with populations that hold a majority of people that will forever vote against their own best self interests. Still-the one way we can is to make them liable for all debts incurred by their constituents. If McCain, or McConnell, or Diaper Dave can afford to pay my bills, all the better. I think we should change all accounts to read Jane Doe and John McCain, or John Doe and Mitch McConnell. I swear on all things holy I am so angry I could spit.