Edited on Sat Feb-07-09 06:48 PM by SoCalDem
Michael Steele accidentally spoke to the heart of the problem..
Once you are on the PUBLIC airwaves, you have forfeited your right to be just a "private citizen"..especially when you spend all that "air-time" denigrating, criticizing, and slandering ONE political party..
Rush IS a republican spokesperson, even if he did "occasionally" bash Bush a little.,. he only did THAT, after it was well-proven, that Bush had little support in his party..
It's high time that the act of political speech is addressed, in a substantive way.
Political speech proffered by candidates, costs BIG BUCKS, when they have to buy ads.
Some political speech, even with an offer to pay for the ad, is DENIED by corporate media, effectively shutting the door on those ideas, completely.
Only the Conservatives get ample FREE air-time for their lame ideas..radio,print, and tv. All others must pay, IF their ads are even accepted.
The rare times they are "invited" to appear, are accompanied by oppositional guests..LOUD ones, who interrupt more often than the "hosts", making their message disjointed.
99% of radio media slants waaaay right, and their non-stop mantra of "republican is the ONLY way, vs democrats are always wrong/evil/silly/depraved/ridiculous/laughable/etc" is a BIG problem for our nation.
TV media is CORPORATE, so even if they offer up the occasional "liberal voice", those voices are drowned in a sea of right-leaning "guests/hosts" of all the rest of it.. Even the choice of news stories they offer, leans right.
The exclusion of voices is glaringly obvious. Until the recent implosion, Krugman was rarely consulted. He has been more visible, but in very constrained settings, and often critiqued before and after his stints...along with the usual "leftie" rhetoric, followed by lavish doses of guffaws and giggles.
Media is only NOW even starting to show us some of the people we needed to be hearing from all along. The mess is so awful, and the situation so dire, that they have finally started to bring in oppositional voices. Of course these people are quite willing to remind us all that they have been warning us for decades about the situation we find ourselves in, but to many people, these "new guests" are totally new to them, because they have been shut out for so long.
The situation we find ourselves in is so desperate, that even these real experts may not be able to un-do the damage..Diagnosing a terminal condition is no substitute for preventative care, years earlier.
Imagine if we had had these people on tv-radio for 20 years:
Glenn Greenwald, instead of Rush Limbaugh Phil Donahue, instead of Sean Hannity Thom Hartmann, instead of Glenn Beck Bill Moyers, instead of Bill O'Reilly Maria Hinajosa, instead of Laura Ingraham
there are many more, but those come to mind, immediately..