I hate to say this as a progressive Dem...but the idiot Repugs drilled down on Paulson and the bailout much better than Dodd (Chairman). I did think that Menendez from NJ did well, but he seemed muzzled.
Dodd kept interjecting: "We need to move on from what went wrong to fixing the problem with the banks going forward." Shelby of Alabama who voted against TARP kept saying "we need to see what went WRONG to know HOW to fix it."
I felt like the "tables were turned" and the Repugs (except for that ass Corker from Tennesee) were asking more thorough questions about WHY was their such IMMEDIACY for the TARP to go through. Big Rush..and we here on DU remember the "BIG RUSH."
I felt Dodd was covering because we know the Bushies were trying to bring down Obama as all this impolded just before the election. Dems were forced to vote for it when the McCorporate Media (WSJ/NYT/WAPO/Boomberg/CNBC, etc. were all yowling in pain that if the TARP didn't pass the AMERICAN BANKING SYSTEM WOULD COLLAPSE! (I use full caps because that's all we heard 24/7 and much of DU was in favor of it.
Anyway...Dodd is "Move On ...we don't want to look at past mistakes. Repugs are saying they are getting calls calling them accountable for why they voted for it. Corker (that ass) says he got 25,000 calls against TARP passage from his constituents and only 300 for TARP. (Of course, Corker probably only has few thousand Dems in his State...and Millions of Repugs) but still he at least mentioned the phone calls and I didn't hear Dems mention there calls.
What is wrong with our Dems..."Move On...don't look back, mistakes were made...let's just fix the mistakes." They do the same with Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld WAR CRIMES.
:shrug: Anyone else watch it?