Dozens partied at house where Phelps was betting money on a drinking game, witnesses say
The game that Monday night in November was high-stakes “beer pong,” a drinking game in which players lob Ping-Pong balls into plastic cups.
Michael Phelps was betting big — and losing.
“I saw Phelps pull out a roll, a bank-wrapped $2,000,” said Michael Whitworth, who had been invited to a house near Five Points after his band played a show at 5 Points Pub (now Sudworks Taphouse).
The photo that got Phelps, 23, in trouble could have been taken by any of the dozens of partyers at the house that night — or on other nights when Phelps was in Columbia the first week of November. Leon Lott of Richland County, South Carolina has gotten ahold of an M113A2 Armored Personal Carrier (APC) for some serious police work. And though a new APC fitted with a .50-cal belt-fed machine gun is a scary prospect, the Sheriff's department claims it only pays about $2,000 a year to acquire this kind of equipment (though we're not clear if that means the total cost). Perhaps they could replace the old Crown Vics with APCs. Either because he's a religious nut or has a sense of humor, Sheriff Lott is calling the vehicle "The Peacemaker" in reference to Matthew 5:9 because "Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be the children of God." No joke, that's in the press release below. Don't speed through Coumbia, South Carolina. Seriously. Lett is an idiot. As you can see, he has his very own APC. He'll probably use it if Phelps ever comes back to SC.