FOUR MORE YEARS! Liveblogging Bush's Greatest Speech
The greatest war ever is four years old today, and that means Bush will say something on the teevee for a few minutes, possibly about how much he loves guacamole.
Begun this liveblogging has ….
Oh, he’s standing in front of the bookshelf again.
Did he just say Iraq’s constitution “opposes the rule of law”?
“Success will take months” …. So the SURGE didn’t work, either.
Wow, Bush celebrated four years of murder with a conference call.
“Still in the beginning stages.”
“Needs more time to take effect.”
I hear camera shutters, which is probably just a clever sound effect done with ProTools.
OMG the Iraqi prime minister actually briefly visited one part of the country where everybody wants to blow him up.
More Iraq Spending Now!
From commenter JamesMichaelCurley: “Some Bozo in the Executive Office ACTUALLY ADVISED Bush to remind us that this war has gone on 116 days longer than World War II?”
“Pack up and go home” is Bush’s new “cut and run.”
Rat Eyes thinks getting troops out of Iraq would be “satisfying.” So “we cannot allow this to happen.”
9/11! 9/11! 9/11!
Hey you guys (and gals) who got killed or maimed or driven insane by Bush’s folly: He appreciates it.
Immediate response from Fox News: “It’s a strong message.”