from The Nation:
Slacker Friday posted by Eric Alterman on 02/06/2009 @ 4:00pm
We've got a new Think Again column here called "William Kristol: Journalism's Indispensable Man."
Name: Charles Pierce
Hometown: Newton, MA.
Hey Doc:
"Blue winds blown my dreams away/My darling's flown and she's gone to stay."
Weekly WWOZ Pick To Click: "Gimme A Pigfoot (And A Reefer)" (Bessie Smith.)
It was revealed this week that I'd failed to pay the witholding tax on the money I paid to the 9,000 Bulgarian sopranos who stood in the middle of the Danube singing to mystified Hungarians my newly written cantata on the topic of how much I love New Orleans.
Short Takes: Part The First: You can sell The Politico pretty much anything these days. I swear, if this were forty years ago, there wouldn't be anything in their offices except partial sets of encyclopedias.
Part The Second: What's the over/under on the number of days before some Beltway invertebrate suggests that what the Obama administration needs to pull itself out of the ditch is a "seasoned Washington veteran, like David Gergen." I'll set it at five.
Part The Third: Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's the, well, Bollocks.
Part The Last: Anyone (coughTheLandlordcough) who is critical of the Springsteen halftime show for being hammy has obviously forgotten that substantial helpings of ham (and cheese) have always been part of the deal with him. Remember the hokey faux-James Brown collapse that always highlighted "Quarter To Three"? ........(more)
The complete piece is at: