With letters like:
We regret to inform you that our democracy can no longer afford your service.
You have worked tirelessly and consistently for a few ideas, which is admirable in a sense, but your efforts only help a handful of our customers, the very wealthy, and impoverish and endanger the vast majority, and even kill many who eat tainted food that was prepared with weakened inspection and regulation, or serve in our military only to be sent to fight in countries that are no threat to us, but who have assets your wealthy patrons want--or want at a deep discount.
We are certain that those you used your public office to serve will be glad to employ you now that the public can no longer afford your services. If not, we invite you to partake of the social services you have worked so strenuously to destroy the last thirty years. Some of your Republican colleagues are already doing quite well in our job retraining programs. For example, Alberto Gonzales should finish his cat grooming program next week and be placed in a minimum wage internship shortly after that.
We wish you the best of luck in your non-government endeavors.
The armed security guards who presented you with this memo will supervise and assist the emptying of your desk and cleaning of your office for the next thirty minutes, after which they will take any keys, ID tags, or other tokens used for access to the halls of government power.
Just kidding.
We wouldn't do that. We believe in democracy.
Instead, I will volunteer my time and contribute my money to your opponent in the upcoming election no matter how slim their chances of winning appears to be now. I bet after another year or two of feeling the consequences of thirty years of Republican policies, your constituents will take your challenger a lot more seriously too.
You could delay or prevent that outcome by putting average Americans ahead of protecting the wealthy from paying their fair share of taxes, and putting good public schools and health care for all ahead of cutting spending, and a middle class standard of living for as many Americans as possible ahead of greater profit margins for corporations.
If not, I can not afford you and America can not afford you anymore.