I don't mean to sound pessimistic. I think back to 8 years and 3 weeks ago when George W Bush was sworn into the office that he stole, with the assistance of our very own Grand Supreme Court. I remember what he inherited. There was more money and jobs than we knew what to do with. For the first time in several decades, we had a Federal surplus of $250 billion plus and we anticipated a several trillion dollar surplus by January, 2009. We had even paid down some of the national debt and the Federal surplus was bigger than the Social Security surplus, which we did not have to borrow from, for the first time in a long time.
But it was not to be. "It is the people's money", they said. Once they were in power, one of the very first things they did was cut income taxes on these "people". By the end of their first year in office, the surplus was about half gone. And 9-11 happened, despite clear warnings to those in charge, including Mr Bush. (Remember the August 6th memo?) It was the first time we had been hit since the early weeks of the first Clinton term. We were not hit again until 8 months into the new Bush Administration. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. Even now.
Then it was not long until we started running huge deficits of $300 billion and more. Although they promised that cutting taxes would create more jobs and bring in even more money into our Treasury, it did not. It was the lowest job creation and the highest deficits in our modern history. So much for "trickle down" Reaganomics.
I remember how really bad those Clinton years were. <sarcasm> All those blue dresses with preserved cum. All those rope lines and impeachment hearings. But everybody working and making money and minding their own business. We did not know what we had. They say you do not miss your water until the well runs dry. I remember well those terrible Clinton years...