Don't get me wrong - she's no Barack Obama.
And I still haven't forgiven her for her failure to even allow an impeachment of George W. Bush to be considered.
But lately, she's been doing quite a bit better.
Notice how the stimulus bill cruised through the House - sure not a single Republican voted for it, but she got most of the Blue Dogs on board, and the bill sailed through - sure, a little overloaded, but that's kind of the point - she knew that the Senate was going to strip some of it out, so she started with a highball.
That seems to be a pattern, and will be seen even more, since she and House Democratic leadership have fixed the motion-to-recommit rules that the Republicans have been abusing to block legislation. Note how the auto bailout fell into the same pattern - it cruised through the House, got filibustered in the Senate.
Every single Republican voted against the stimulus bill, but it didn't even slow it down.
In other words, Boehner is powerless. He can whine, and he can moan, but he doesn't get any levers of significance in the Beltway.
It's in the Senate where things get fucked up. Clearly, Harry Reid doesn't have his shit together - he should have been in the back-rooms and gotten Nelson and the other Senate Blue Dogs on board before this whole pissing contest, so all he had to do was lean on Snowe and Collins and give them tasty earmarks in exchange for cloture. For Reid, that's an EPIC FAIL. He had to do lots of last minute negotiation with both the Blue Dogs and Snowe and Collins, and they ganged together and got Reid to give away the store.
Back to the House, Pelosi is still doing the right thing and condemning all the axing of things like Head Start, education infrastructure and so on. So far, she's been doing significantly better than she has in the past.