In once-booming Northern Virginia suburbs, children who never had to worry about having a roof over their head don't know where they will sleep tonight.
In Cincinnati, newly-homeless families are splitting their children up among relatives because they can't find shelter together, much less feed everyone.
In Las Vegas, sons and daughters of the city's housekeepers and kitchen workers -- already living on the margin of the American economy – increasingly rely on "weekend food bags" from their school in order to feed themselves from Friday afternoon to Monday morning, when they can eat a subsidized school breakfast.
When children lose a home, their health – and studies – suffer. "Kids in greater number are coming to school who probably haven't eaten breakfast. Who don't have access to a washer and a dryer. Who live with fear," explains Karen Fessler, a school official in Cincinnati, Ohio. "How important is a long division problem when they don't know where they're going to sleep tonight?"!! The MSM should be doing stories on this. Those jackasses who pared down the "nonessentials" should have to sleep in boxes on the street.
You can't eat effing TAX Cuts!! THIS ISN'T A GAME!!