Hey, Republicans, you want something to cut? Cut this $50 billion loan guarantee give-away to your friends in the nuclear power industry. Or, better yet, give those loans to college students who need them to finish school, loans to the unemployed who need COBRA to afford healthcare while they are out of work, and loans to fund safe, green energy projects. Forget the dinosaur nuke industry - it is not cost effective. It is dangerous - both because of the radioactive waste it produces and because each new plant is a potential target for terrorism.
In Smirking Chimp,
Harvey Wasserman writes about this "horrific boondoggle" that was slipped into the Senate version of the stimulus bill by a Republican Senator from Utah (and his little Democratic friend from Deleware). Call your Congress people now and tell them to get this piece of crap out of the bill during the House/Senate conference process.
Call (202) 224-3121 NOW!!!
The infamous $50 billion nuke power loan guarantee package meant to use your money to build new nuke reactors has gone missing from saturation media coverage of Obama’s Stimulus Package. But it’s still in the Senate version of the bill, it could be voted on this week, and it could kill us all. . .
We have days---maybe hours---to stop it. While aid programs to the states, for education and the truly needy are slashed, this gargantuan boondoggle is poised to sail through with virtually no public knowledge.
The loan guarantee package was slipped into the Senate version of the Stimulus Bill by Senator Robert Bennet (R-UT) who proceeded to vote against the overall package. It is not currently in the House version.
As the two bills are reconciled, armies of radioactive lobbyists will be marching through the Halls of Congress. They know Wall Street will never pay for new nukes, so that leaves…you and me!
The estimated price of building new reactors has nearly tripled since the beginning of 2007. It is virtually certain to at least double again before any new nuke could come on line, which could not happen in less than a decade. . .
Calls and letters are desperately needed to the Congressional leadership---NOW!--- to flush this horrific boondoggle out of the stimulus package. With White House pressure mounting to get it passed this week, every minute counts.