to throw water on them and watch them shrink???? Remove the MONKEY business, and tell them to SHUT their YAP!!
Do I think the Stimulus is the end all/be all answer??? HELL NO! But something is better than nothing and the fact that Obama seems to realize that AFTER extending his hand across the aisle he realizes that "certain" tactics didn't work. So NOW, he's fighting back. However, should he stop trying to "work things out" in a bi-partisan way I'd have to say NO!!
NOT because I WANT Repukes to get on board or get their way, but simply because I think the MORE he extends his hand he has a capacity to SHOW how the unwillingness of the Repukes to ACTUALLY SHOW how UN-BENDING they really are could be a PLUS for Obama! They continue to be obstructionists!
They keep spouting that what FDR did wasn't effective, but reality and history has shown that FDR did get re-elected because people had a "perception" that what he did was a an answer they were looking for! PERCEPTION trumps WHINING and name!!
This package, IMHO is only the bandage needed to get a person to the emergency room where one can be evaluated and the course of action will be determined!!!