Free Bipartisanship and Simple Decency Rejected by Republicans...
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Mon Feb-09-09 08:02 PM
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Free Bipartisanship and Simple Decency Rejected by Republicans... |
They pissed away a beautiful opportunity that would have gained them big time and cost them nothing...Suppose they had done this over the weekend...
Press Briefing: A hard line and powerful Republican Senator enters and reads from a prepared statement-"Beginning this week the Senate will be taking a series of votes on the economic stimulus package. I will not argue points nor will I retreat from my beliefs. I will just say that in conference with my party's leadership I have decided to withhold myself from voting on any such package to allow our esteemed opponent Ted Kennedy to remain at home to dedicate his energies to his health. I will continue to speak and I invite Mr. Kennedy to send his remarks. If bipartisanship is to have any meaning that meaning must include caring and concern for all. Mr Kennedy may remain at home where he belongs and rest assured should he decide to do so my party will act fairly, not merely correctly."
Thank God they are as stupid and mean as they are. I was happy to see Teddy but also a bit pissed he was pressed to be there by the obstructionism of the GOP. I'll bet others were impressed with the same thoughts...
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