Within minutes of this evenings presidential press conference CNN had both video as well as news copy and analysis on their website. Here is the story I am talking about:
http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/02/09/obama.news.conference/index.htmlThis is obviously nothing out of the ordinary for a large propaganda organization, and we have come to expect nothing less than instant analysis.
The question I always find myself asking after reading one of these reports is this: is any of what you are writing accurate and true?
It turns out that the answer is often "No".
What is always very revealing in these reports are the words that the networks use to convey the message, and tonights message from CNN was very explicit:
"We want tax cuts for our corporation and it's owners." After covering the standard points of the press conference CNN sets out to criticize the Stimulus plan by giving equal billing where it is morally bankrupt to do so.
"Leading Republicans warned Sunday that the Obama administration's stimulus effort will lead to what one called a "financial disaster."
"Everybody on the street in America understands that," said Sen. Richard Shelby, the ranking Republican on the Senate Banking Committee. "This is not the right road to go. We'll pay dearly."
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reported last week that the stimulus measure, as it's presented now, is likely to create between 1.3 million and 3.9 million jobs by the end of 2010, lowering a projected unemployment rate of 8.7 percent by up to 2.1 percentage points.
But the CBO warned the long-term effect of that much government spending over the next decade could "crowd out" private investment, lowering long-term economic growth forecasts by 0.1 percent to 0.3 percent by 2019.Text
So, we get "leading Republicans...", Sen. Richard Shelby, and the CBO (sort of). The CBO "warned..." is a joke. CNN is trying to balance the positive effects of the Stimulus plan by pointing out a dire warning from the CBO and Republican voices.
The CBO projects that it could lower the unemployment rate by 2.1 percent within two years, but there is a risk of lowering growth by .3 of 1 percent by 2019.
If I have the chance to save my job within two years, or possibly reducing my salary by .3% in 10 years I know what Im doing.
Who are these people kidding?
What is most scary about this is not that CNN is going to try to destroy what is left of this country by manipulating public opinion into supporting their needs. Rather, it is that
they already had the story written long before this evenings press conference.
These talking points being used by every single major media outlet are false and outlandish. Both Joseph Stiglitz and Paul Krugman have won the Nobel Prize for their work and they are saying exactly the opposite of CNN. Don't fall for it.