from Dollars & Sense:
Sen. Susan Collins Cuts Women's Jobs from Stimulus Billby Dollars and Sense
Economist Heidi Hartmann at the Institute for Women's Policy Research has analyzed the compromise stimulus package that came out of the Senate on Friday and finds that compared to the House version, it cuts deeply into the parts of the package that would most help women workers. The obvious irony: two of the three Republican senators who worked with Democrats to develop the bill are women, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, both of Maine.
Hartmann notes the Senate compromise
cuts deeply at the precise areas in which women typically work, Head Start, education, and health care. Half of the proposed additions to Head Start funding ($1 billion of a total of $2 billion in the House) and approximately half of the proposed aid to the states, which would largely be spent on education (a cut of $40 billion of $79 billion in the House version), are eliminated in the Senate proposal. Another huge proposed cut is the assistance that would be given to unemployed workers to enable them to exercise their COBRA benefits and purchase their employer-based health insurance policies (a cut of $19 billion of a House total of $41 billion). ... $11 billion of proposed child tax credits for working families are also proposed for cuts