Edited on Tue Feb-10-09 12:44 PM by Cyrano
The attack on the World Trade Center killed over 3,000 people.
George Bush's phony war on Iraq has killed well over 4,000 American soldiers and probably far, far more than 100,000 Iraqis. The Republican party (and too many Democrats) marched in lockstep behind him and the policies of many of the ideological madmen who inhabited his administration.
Our "pretender to the throne" has gone back to Texas, but the damage that he's caused continues.
Who knows how many American veterans of Iraq have or will commit suicide (and perhaps even take their families with them) because of the unimaginable horrors they endured and that pushed them over the edge? (If you haven't noticed what's been happening with these veterans committing suicide, then you're watching too much Fox News and your brain has rotted.)
But take a look at deaths caused by Republican policies aside from the Iraq War.
Who knows how many American children have died, or are dying, of starvation or lack of medical coverage?
Who knows how many American homeless people have frozen or starved to death? (Many of them veterans of Vietnam and Iraq.)
Who knows how many women in the world died in child birth because George was kissing the ass of fundie lunatics on their "no contraception" dogma?
The number of people who have died over the past eight years due to Bush/Cheney insanity and/or indifference, is endless. We all know that we live in an unjust world. But the Republican Party, especially during the past eight years, has been more heartless than any administration we've seen in our lifetimes -- and perhaps in the history of America.
And they're not done yet. Obama is doing his best to put a band aid on the damage they've caused. And the Republicans are doing everything they can to demonize him, discredit him and use every tactic available to win everything they can in the 2010 elections.
Their attitude is this: "The well being of Americans? Fuck them." How can any rational person not see that that is the attitude of the Republican Party? Aside from the likes of Caligula, Attila, Hitler, and their followers, can anyone cite a more miserable bunch of pricks?
Make no mistake about it. The Republican party doesn't care about you. They don't care if you're a Dem, they don't care if your an Independent, they don't care if you are a Republican who lives in Appalachia with an albino on the porch playing a banjo. They don't care if you live or die.
All they care about is regaining power. And they will do whatever is necessary. The well being, or physical or economic health of the American people means nothing to them. They want one thing and one thing only. To con you into voting them back into power.
We're seeing the harvest of where we are after eight years of unrestrained Republican power. Are you having fun yet?
To close the circle on this rant. The Republican Party is the enemy of the American public and has been for at least the last 30 years since Saint Ronnie came to power and started the destruction of America.
George W. Bush, in doing his best cowboy imitation, declared: "You're either with us or against us."
The Democrats are neither saints nor saviors. But for the most part, they are somewhat more sane than the forces that own and control the Republican Party. So as a Democrat, all I can say is: "Are you on the side of insanity? Or are you willing to side with those who are at least trying to achieve some sane goals?"