For the better part of 20 years, my teevee was wired to CNN 24/7...from giving John Anderson a chance to debate in 1980 to Space Shuttle explosion, the Tien Amin Massacre, Gulf Oil War I...and so on. If it was happening, CNN not only was there, but had some of the best reporters around to capture the moment. Not to analyze, but to report. Those days are long gone.
I've long joked about how corporate CNN is these day. Dr. Guptha's paid-for big pharma fluff pieces or Lou Doobies playing stock hustler and now reborn as some kind of populist and the bald-headed business dude who always has the right wing talking point about economics at hand. Then if you look at the advertisers...all the biggies are there...or were. The large financial that led this country into the shitter, big pharma and insurance and assorted special interest groups (American Petroleum Institute with their cute female spokesperson). Between this corporate sandwich is nothing but filler...and poor filler at that.
These days, I rarely bother throwing on CNN...they long lost their credibility here. Keeping them Honest they say? Whose keeping THEM honest?