This is a selfish thought, I know, but I've made it through a lot of difficult times seeking out the good in traumatic events or dire situations.
There is a bright side to the current economic state we seem to be in. It puts light on the destitute condition (?destituteness?) many suffer every day of their existence. When tales of mortgage rates, bailouts, and job loss make it into the homes of the population, the tales offer hope. When discussions are heard dealing with ways to recover from loss, those with nothing see a glimmer of a future.
Hell, the discussions are being initiated by our president! If you were a small farmer who was bought out, or a factory worker whose factory closed years ago, or if you are still in an undervalued profession with no desire to abandon it (teacher), you see these discussions take place and ponder riding a wave into a new future along with the recent ripple of newly impoverished.
One can dream.