But I'm sorry, a handful very much do, and some are even batshit insane about it. I can ignore the batshit insane ones that are already going "Mad Max" with their predictions, condemning half the population of the US to be jobless and live in Little Sao Paulo shantytowns by 2010 (and really, we'd ALL, wealthy included, better HOPE that scenario doesn't happen or civil unrest will boil over and destroy us for good).
I can't let pass, however, those who sneeringly and inclusively blame ALL of us for "allowing" this to happen, good Democrats included. And if you'd have read this weird OP, which kind of resembled a page out of a Montana-cabin dweller's anti-consumerist manifesto, dooming all of us into the streets by our own hands, it was just insulting. Not holding to the fire the real culprits of this mess, which would be the wealthy and 28 years of Republican/Moderate presidents acting in abettance of their needs, simply reeks of borderline right-wing short-sightedness.
Call me an optimist, but I don't see what joy people get in making other's lives miserable and lousy under the guise of "being realists". What's in it for them? We finally get what we want and some have resigned themselves to the whole thing being beyond repair anyway. I and many others simply refuse to believe that. This isn't even the worst shape America's ever been in anyway. Why did the DUomsdayers even vote in the first place and why hold US to the fire for doing the right thing and getting screwed anyway? Cui Bono?
Collectively, WE did not vote for two Bewshes and a Reagan and all the disaster that came with them as a result of their policies. Hell, a few of us (myself included, I cast for Perot twice) didn't even vote for Clinton. While Clinton was rational enough to understand that fair taxation & business investment leads to job creation and we did have a long economic expansion as a result, the problem was that he still wholly embraced Friedman capitalism and didn't seriously address the already-looming concerns of the blue collar workers of this country getting their jobs shipped to cheaper locations south or overseas (or take seriously the concern that in the future it could carry over to the white collar world), nor did he ignore the idiotic ramblings of a certain Reaganite holdover and lover of deregulation named Phil Gramm.
Most of us didn't live beyond our means or move into homes we couldn't afford. We try as hard as we can to save money; you know, when it's NOT being gobbled up by a an unexpected triple-digit emergency here, a large escrow deficiency/tax bill there, or exorbitant home repair costs everywhere. Let's not mention those who committed the unfortunate crime of getting sick, which is why it's dumbfounding to me that CEOs are seemingly so bound by the code of not stepping on each other's toes that they'll continue this for-profit-health care madness even though they continually complain of it tearing into their profits.
Another thing I cannot stand from these people is the very-right-wing scold of "You should have PREPARED like I did!! You all should have seen this coming like I DID!!" It's highly idiotic because for one, it requires a person who's just trying to get through the day and probably has no free time to even spend with their families to become a part-time fortune teller. Did anyone ever think that the reason we cannot save is because wages in this country, as I've pointed out many times, are plain and simple not keeping up with the growing costs of necessities? You can't save what is constantly being taken away from you. You cannot save when your wage has not kept up with productivity, inflation or the cost of living for 30 years. There is no foolproof means of putting money away when life itself doesn't adhere to predictability. We're human beings, not risk assessors.
If anything, what will come out of this is hopefully new industries, more cost-effective and productive means of manufacturing and the moving-away from the notion of profits before people. I'm not optimistic about that last one, as Friedmanites are unfortunately still plaguing American college business schools, still running our industries and being rewarded no matter how good or bad a job they do. These same ignorant people will only pay attention to how little they can pay the Chinese to assemble, while at the same time sacrificing the quality of, their products. But new industries will arise as our energy and transporation concerns need to be met in a serious hurry, just as technology and health care will flourish due to the need of shoring up both and accommodating them in lieu of this shift.
What can we do in the meantime? I say one easy thing first and foremost would be a compilation of everything Republicans, Moderates and the wealthy did to get us into this mess these past 28 years; every illegal occupation they started, every bad piece of legislation passed, every tax break, every trade agreement, every anti-labor statements they've made, every debt-swelling action and every policy that goes against the interests of the worker and their families. Take all of this information and constantly pound home the message that reminds them WHO did this and why we should never, EVER as a nation allow any hangers-on of Friedman free-market snake-oil philosophy to disgrace the highest office of this country or our Congressional seats again.
This should never be allowed to happen again.