I'm speaking for myself when I say none of it makes sense and feel like listening to Jimi Hendrix version of the Star Bangled Banner.
First of all people on some radio shows compare Obama saying he is so much better of a speaker than BUsh , well almost anyone is so after 8 years of the BCF this is really a stupid. This does not make Obama great.
This stimulus package is to confusing as it jumps all over the map so who can tell what the affect it will have alone with it either saving or creating 4 million jobs , well which is it? Sounds like no one knows.
Then all this crap about this octo, mom who the hell cares as if this is important stuff.
With all the jobs vanishing daily where is the hope to be found in that?
At 60 I would have never dreamed this is where we would be and we have gone downhill and it's 2009 the new 21st century and the new world order and the global economy and it's all crap in my book.
All of this crap daily just add's to the confusion and blots out reality.
TV influences everything and people don't even see that, shut the damn thing off.
They should just take the 750 billion away from the banks and then force them to sign to agree to use these funds as intended then hand it out in small amounts same with the big three who should be the ones to re-tool which if they were really concerned would have done so years ago and now the problem would not even exist.
NOw there is this big push for this new stimulus package and so far no one seems to know what is what.
Where was everyone when all of the horror has been going on , it didn't just happen overnight.
Yes we need to do something and that is create american jobs not set them up to be outsourced.