From DownWithTyranny
"In the semi-murky waters of Inside-the-Beltway sleaze factories, few outfits are looked at with more disdain than the National Republican Trust PAC, a group that prides itself on running the most distorted and vicious attacks against its opponents. They epitomize the very worst of extreme right political propaganda efforts, a virtual Goebbels-like workshop at the heart of the GOP. In the last cycle, they took in $11,607,527. Most of it, $8,088,621, was spent hysterically attacking then-Senator Barack Obama with independent expenditures. The only other I.E. was $85 for Saxby Chambliss. The PAC didn't donate much money to individual candidates either, just $1,000 to each of five far right lunatic fringe Republicans, losers Elizabeth Dole (NC), Marilyn Musgrave (CO), and John Stone (GA), plus Michele Bachmann (who managed to hold on to her seat with 46% of the vote in her Minnesota district) and their one winner, incumbent Senator James Inhofe (OK). There was also a donation of $16,350 to the Republican Governors Association. Even right-wing organizations like the Cato Institute have been appalled by the sleaziness of the National Republican Trust PAC, which believes that their right to lie about candidates is protected free speech and that it's up to the public to figure out for themselves when they're being fed a load of crap."
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