Are ya numb yet? Given up?
Feeling ineffective, like nothing you or anyone does will stem the tide?
Similar to the black plague and still spreading.
So addictive and contageous, eh?
By George you've got it!
They've convinced us to dig our own graves too, as well as a funeral pire for that illusion
we call democracy.
Well, someone was keeping count back in 2005...but it's only the tip of the iceberg
The Scandal Sheet
by Peter Dizikes, Salon
January 18, 2005 | Once upon a time -- about five years ago -- conservative pundits often talked about "scandal fatigue." Remember scandal fatigue? It was an affliction supposedly either turning voters against Democrats or, alternatively, a weariness in the body politic preventing Republicans from pursuing even more grievances against Bill Clinton. By any objective measure, however, after four years of George W. Bush's presidency, the entire nation should be suffering from utter scandal exhaustion...con't