Dear George,
Dear Mr. Noory,
I admire and think the world of you. You are an honorable sucessor to Art Bell, who is a legend.
But it sounds from the recent programs like you want President Obama to fail or something from the way you are tossing doubt and consternation on every choice he makes, and how you refuse to even listen to what his stimulus plan entails or how it DIFFERS from Paulson's.
I respect your opinion just as so many other millions of listeners and fans do, so I just wish and plead with you to actually listen to what Treasury Secretary Geitner is saying with your own ears, rather than listen to what some of your guests, who just want to terrorize everyone, have to say, and recognize that his plan is totally different from Paulson's.
This plan is different. Details were given. It's not some kind of mystery: You just have to listen. LISTEN to the testimony.
The bizarre irony is that I rejoined Streamlink to get some RELIEF from all of this upsetting, unfair and depressing skepticism about our new President, who offers hope to me and others for the first time in our lives, and the first thing I hear from your program is yet more skepticism and hatred that is based on a mound of knowledge so ill-informed and sad that I just wish I could get my money back for one year's streamlink subscription.
Can I terminate my subscription, please? It's only a couple of days old?
Thanks, Mike