Yesterday Nanci Pelosi had to get up in front of a microphone and, just like Paulson, Bernanke, Kashcari and Geitner, state what so obviously should not have to be said aloud that it should send chills up the spine of everyone who actually wants the Stimulus package to succeed.
She said, to paraphrase, the details are less important than the amount, the gesture, and the sense that we believe that this can fix the problem.
This puts us in the position of the magician who has to reveal how the trick works. The package can only work if we don't reveal that we are WORRIED THAT IT CAN'T WORK.
All along, every time someone grows the balls to make a large gesture, so many doubts are shed upon the gesture itself that it doesn't work, because it can't restore confidence.
All of the credible economists, including Krugman, have been saying this over and over again since Lehman's failed: The gesture has to be huge enough to convince the world that we believe in it, and the Repukes are sabotaging both the bill itself and, way more importantly, the confidence of the world that this can succeed.