Indymediathe National news picked up the story of the shocking and violent video of 2 police officers beating up a defenseless homeless man. Sadly it isn't the 1st, or 2nd, or 3rd time that this has happened.
This behavior comes from the top down.
Read more:
Mike has been courageously reporting on the attacks of the Homeless for over 6 years.
this is a link to stories that have been posted before: Read about Pam Kincaid.. I carried a poster with her name in St. Paul, MN as we where surrounded and some arrested by cops in riot gear.
One story after another and no one has investigated the (at the time) Mayor Alan Autry's office, Chief Dyer, or Sheriff. There have been lawsuits, but still the Homeless are attacked.
And the activists in Fresno have been trying to fight what has and is still being done to the Homeless. Unlike the L.A. and Bay Area they don't have as many finacial and other resources.
Failure has been the apathy from those in the Bay Area and L.A.... as long as you don't have to deal with it who cares?
In St. Paul, several years a go I went up to speak to Tom Hayden, to ask for his help in Fresno. (Like I do to many people, especially big name people) and he told me to my face when I gave him one of Mike's Community Alliance articles on the attacks of the Homeless..
Hayden said "I can't waste my time with them " (central valley). I then said: How can you say that ?, we need your help, they need your help.. they (the activists) are fighting to stop the attacks but need help from other areas" You are preaching to the choir in San Francisco, why don't you come to where the real battles are. " You are just going to leave them hanging?"
he was walking away and then said: "give it up, they are a waste of time, look what happened to Chavez".
*** So if you want to help... Call CA Attorney General and demand he send a team to investigate the Fresno P.D. and while he is at it.. release the previous AG's report of the spying of Peace Fresno.
Attorney General Gerry Brown.
Voice: (916) 322-3360 or
(Toll-free in CA)
(800) 952-5225
Attorney General's Office
California Department of Justice
Attn: Public Inquiry Unit
P.O. Box 944255
Sacramento, CA 94244-2550