As an earlier post of mine noted, I kind of like lurking and posting at some PUMA sites. (Where you can - most viciously take down any opposing viewpoint), yes it is almost trolling when you post there, but sometimes there are some that you can debate with on quite a reasonable level. Sometimes.
I compared looking at sites like NoQuarter to rubber necking traffic accidents. like debate. Saying Bush is bad and Obama is great to most on here is a bit like saying water is wet. Going to those sites does allow you to discover what the latest conspiracy theory is going to be. And yep, they are the home of conspiracy theories. Larry Johnson started the whitey tape story, tried and failed to start a NOI story and his site was, along with a "PUMA" TexasDarlin and a Stormfront poster called TechDude, the home of the birther story. They have subsequently removed all of their TexasDarlin entries although you will still find the occasional post.
JBerryHill, from here summed up the lineage of the "birth certificate story perfectly". lineage of Birtherism traces back to white supremacists, was picked up by PUMAs, and then handed to the plain old stupid and crazy
SusanUnPC claims that she has been trying to disassociate NQ from the PUMA lot. Despite still linking to PUMA sites, she claimed in an email
Yes. I shied away from the Puma groups long ago. Some loose coalitions can be alright, but this one was too loose. I saw hardcore rightwingers getting a pass, and that was not for me.
Some good came out of it -- met some good people, but I dropped out of any active participation.
What was hardest was getting NoQuarter's name and link off their sites. Ugh.
Today she even attacks Andrew Sullivan for betraying the Republican Party.
Today she had the gall to attack Andrew Sullivan for betraying his Republican roots and supporting the President.
Sullivan has gone bats over the Gregg story. And, forgive me if I have a faulty memory, but hasn’t Andrew Sullivan been essentially a Republican until Obama? And wasn’t he in favor of the war in Iraq, as well as much of Bush’s policies? I mean, wasn’t he a reliable conservative all these years?
Until, for reasons unfathomable to other sentient beings, this man went so ga-ga for Obama that he can’t even think straight anymore? has always struck me as very different. There is not the false hate of Darhag Murphy, which so often betray her Republican roots. Of course many of his readers betray their extreme brand of Republicanism,
Comment by AlexisM | 2009-02-12 16:54:07
cynic…you’re not doing it. You’re not telling me why spending 100s of Millions on office furniture we will probably buy from China helps us. Or 300 Million for Golf Carts. I asked for specifics and you gave me the Obot meme. The Republicans have been trying. Pelosi locked them out. This is not at all bi-partisan and the scumbags like Pelosi are trying to make sure no one reads this before they make us swallow it.
You keep repeating the same stuff. No one says we shouldn’t have a stimulus plan. You’re wrong there. But the word “stimulus” shouldn’t be in this crap sandwich plan in the first place. It’s nothing but a bunch of spending by some deranged socialists that will never help us.
Next time, please answer specifically item by item like I asked.
but Susan "Hu, H or unPC", or whatever she wants to bigot under still claims to be a Democratic supporter. Try being one one on there. You get booted. (They do not understand TOR). All that gets left are loons working each other up. Being ex CIA Agent, Larry Johnson knows exactly what he is doing and he knows why he is stirring up one of these loons.
I do not believe it is because Larry Johnson is trying to take financial advantage of a "Stormfront Democrat" type. However by giving these people nothing much more than an echo chamber and winding them up with every scary monster story going he must realise playing with this lit is playing with live rounds. I do not associate SusanH / UnPC with this. I personally think that she is too stupid for that.
On 19th January, by email, she put their hate down to the fact that within a day Obama would be President.
What's going on? Are some of the more rigidly hard-core going a little nutso because he really is going to be president and they're incapable of coping with that fact? Must be.
Their site remains however a hot bed of NeoNazi extremism that makes StormFront look liberal.
Comment by Kat5 | 2009-01-22 12:16:51
I lived in New Orleans for 30 years and witnessed an astounding level of inability to take responsibility for one's own actions, or lack of them. This led straight to destruction of huge parts of the city. You are spot on here.
Comment by WildChild | 2009-01-06 23:45:31
so you get your information from the billionaire Jew. Let me guess LOL, he’s all for the current beat down
Comment by AMERICA R.I.P. | 2009-01-22 03:32:56
Yup. Exactly. And and all that great anti-racism that got beaten the hell into us? Well, sadly, now I have none of it left. If I'm a "racist" great. It's not going to change MY life anymore. I worked, I fought, I helped, I gave time and money. But they're still screaming VICTIM. Oh well. Don't ask me for help. I'm done and you're one your own. I hope these idiots realize that Obama is turning whites against blacks more than they were in the 50's.
Comment by sowsear | 2009-01-22 01:09:05
And a bill for black reparations has already been introduced….
Comment by tek | 2009-02-06 13:35:52
UK: you don’t know what racist is anymore than Obama. Obama is the racist. He thinks whites should give up everything for blacks. You don’t live in this country. The blacks have been getting millions of dollars from the government for 60 years and jobs and education opportunities that whites don’t have. They’ve used the money to form gangs and buy cocaine.
Obama is racist against whites. Racism can cut more than one way.
Larry even allowed - twice - whole topics to be devoted to whipping up the bigots. Larry Johnson asks his own readers to get careful about hate and death threats. / /
but that requests just winds them up even more
Comment by Hillary or Bust | 2009-01-18 21:06:47
I don’t want him to be assassinated, but I wouldn’t mind if he took his own life in some extremely stupid way, like a cocaine overdose while he’s got his pants down with Larry Sinclair.
Comment by Bob | 2009-01-18 22:30:33
There is one irony—– Barack Obama’s fascination
with Lincoln
He claims to report death threats, but if he does report them, the Security Service who are normally hot on these things appear not to have done anything as two posters have made direct threats and still post.
As I pointed out, NQ is the home of the birther type. They have been whipped up to hate the President because he "stole the nomination", "stole the election because of Acorn", and of course is not an American. So when one of them posts this you expect action. Both of these were reported to the site admin, ie Larry and Susan. Now I am unclear about US law, but I know you are not allowed to make death threats against the President and as a site admin has access to the IP address of the poster - i should guess that they would be able to provide pretty decent evidence, especially if that poster is a regular.
Comment by Smilin' Jim | 2008-07-24 16:48:57
It’s time to stake this one out on the grassy knoll, LJ.
Find an anthill.
Comment by Hillary or Bust | 2009-01-18 23:31:55
Let me clarify that my hatred is purely rational and calculated. I believe Obama is the most dangerous man ever to be president. I think he is dangerous alive, but he is just as dangerous dead by assassination, due to the chaos it would put the country in.
However, I think we'd all be safer if he wasn't in office - THIS IS NOT A THREAT! IT IS AN OPINION! - and so yes, I do hope he dies young by natural causes or his own hand, because otherwise we're looking at someone with his eyes on being a life-long dictator of America and then World "President."
I wish Hitler had died early of natural causes too.
But I do not in any way condone violence against the president, absolutely not.
Given that HillaryOrBust does not think the President is legitimate, what exactly does that mean?
and this one is even more obvious.
Comment by obamastolemyboyfriend | 2009-01-17 20:07:07
Yep. I bet that day is coming! I have 2 sons and there is not a chance in hell they’re going off to a Barky war. We’ll die trying to assassinate the fool first!
The poster (who also goes by obamastolemyboyfriend(akaCsuzeq) and Csuzeq) seriously does blame the President for her relationship break up. She has said do on a number of times. She is even convinced that he displays her Ex's character traits.
So exactly what is Larry Johnson up to? It could all be a CIA trap on behalf of the Security Services, allowing them to monitor Internet loons all in one place. (Very doubtful). After all there is the view that once CIA always CIA.
Or he could be just simply trying to gain money from a "Stromfront Democrat" type?
I would trust that he is not using any Field experience for bad purposes.