Edited on Fri Feb-13-09 05:48 PM by WileEcoyote
My memory recalls the beginning of the right wing "think tanks" as starting sometime during the mid to late 1960's. Ronald Reagan being one of their early recruits to political office though they did much more behind the scenes to shape and twist American and other country's policy.
Actually when you think about it the "think tanks" can be traced back to 1946 when Richard Nixon responded to an ad placed by Prescott Bush (yep, that was W's pa). Prescott was a Nazi whose first choice in political aspiring figures was Adolph Hitler. Bush and fellow Nazi Avril Harriman bankrolled the Third Reich even after Germany declared war on the United States.
Only stopped after FDR ordered the FBI to shut down their enterprise of Nazi support. This was known as the Union Bank of New York.
Much of the Bush family fortune comes from the gold fillings of dead European Jewish people. "Unfortunately" for Prescott Bush Hitler lost that war so he had to find another recruit with a middle name of Milhous...
Nixon turned out to be brighter than most GOP politicians. This must have been a real pain to his handlers and the Robber Barons who sponsored him throughout his career. However Dick was shameless enough that he earned their respect. Nixon was not daunted by any lie to be told. Talent!
With Ronald Reagan we see the emergence of the more typical republican intellect: Maybe barely above average IQ but not able to process expansive or truly well thought out ideas. In fact what the think tanks actually spelled out in their "help wanted" ads were candidates with only slightly better than average intelligence but with charisma and good speaking skills.
Just like in your police dept. If you want to be a cop you'd better be careful not to try impress anyone with your mind.
Republicans take orders or they are not republicans. Or at least do not run for public office. The handlers of the GOP want a clean slate. OK maybe not quite so clueless as Dan Qualye or Sarah Palin but even those fools got elected.
Hell even Dubya himself got elected and we really paid for that.
Coupled with a clean slate the think tanks (just like the Mafia) preferred someone they had the goods on. Otherwise how could these stinking rat bastards trust the newsbies? Thus we see the horrific rates of child molestation amoung the GOP leadership.
To call that rate astronomical is almost understatement. Takes about five minutes just to scroll down the list of those who got caught hurting/porking children. And if the rate of GOP figures arrested and CONVICTED of child molestation is high then we automatically know that those who didn't get caught and continue abusing kids today is much much higher. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to surmise that the GOP exists at least in part to abuse kids. We surely know as a fact they make pretty bad parents. George and Barbara for instance.
But back to the think tanks: Building new candidates is only one of many elements of a think tanks policy contains. Propoganda, blogs. e-mail alerts, talking points bulletins and creative lies are the general day to day business fare of the think tanks.
In short, GOP think tanks are here to keep Americans stupid and up to recently they have done a fairly good job of it. What has slowed them in their tracks are the same conditions that have always put the brakes on Conservatism.
It always fails!