"Film Criticism has reached its pinnacle in the form of The National Review's "Best Conservative Movies of the last 25 Years." Batman isn't Bruce Wayne, but George W. Bush. The White Witch in "The Chronicles of Narnia" is "a cross between Burgermeister Meisterburger and Kim Jong Il." I can't wait to hear what they say about Slimer!
The National Review wants you to buy a digital subscription to see all the write-ups right now, as they gradually unveil the list on this blog.
There are quite a few gems in what they've published so far. "Gattaca" demonstrates the "progressive fantasy" of eugenics, a concept most popularly promoted by Theodore Roosevelt and Hitler, "the road to which is paved by the abortion of Down babies, research into human cloning, and 'transhumanist' dreams of fabricating a 'post-human species.'"
1. The Lives of Others (2007) - I guess it's anti-communist, but is really about the culture of surveillance. I mean, really? The number one conservative movie is about artists trying to liberate themselves from an oppressive regime, all the while the government monitors their actions?
6. Groundhog Day (1993) - Really? This is a political film?
7. The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) - OK, I guess it's about a guy who works hard, and all libruls are lazy deadbeats. But what about leeching off that homeless shelter?
8. Juno (2007) - Because only conservatives choose not to have an abortion. By all means, take it!
9. Blast from the Past (1999) - One of the greatest films of any kind from the last 25 years.
10. Ghostbusters (1984) Seriously, what the fuck? Is Ramis one of the great conservative filmmakers now?"