are now in control of the GOP. Under the reign of GWB, they literally kicked the libertarians and the fiscal conservatives to the curb. I know the remaining losers are crying about fiscal responsibility right now, but their party basically abandoned that when--to quote Cheney--"Reagan proved deficits don't matter." Given the last eight years, any level of real success now by the Obama administration and the democratic controlled houses of Congress, it will be very tough for what's left of the republican party. Without a collapse of democratic leadership, they are shrinking into a party that is primarily driven by what's left of the Confederacy.
The supply siders are the most responsible for the current economic mess and have no credibility. The neocons are responsible for the Iraq war and have no credibility. That leaves the fundamentalists, who only have credibility with other fundamentalists.
This narrow party, even more reactionary than when Bush took office eight years ago, was only able to maintain their presidential power through the fear campaigns that followed 9/11--augmented by tactical campaigns on the wedge issue of marriage equality. Those campaigns allowed them to maintain their base and scare enough independents and blue dogs to eke out re-election.
Either they find a way to broaden their party, or find a way to "scare" the aforementioned independents and blue dogs, or they (try to) destroy any chance of Obama being successful. Those are the three choices and, probably in their minds, the last one is the most realistic.
They are not going to broaden any time soon because the fundamentalists and the supply siders will not allow it, meanwhile the neocons are for the most part mute (but they have nowhere else to go). It is hard to see how they can come up with anything new to scare the middle with--although I am sure they'll continue to try the wedge issues--but will likely see if the "socialized medicine" attacks that worked early in the Clinton years will work again.
That leaves the destroy-Obama's-chance-for-success as the most viable alternative they have right now... and that's what most of them are already trying.