Edited on Fri Feb-13-09 10:29 PM by Jackpine Radical
in the next few years? It seems to me that too many of the Democrats are corporate playthings, hollow people along for the ride in the Republican boat, and we can both pretty much name who I'm talking about.
It is said--and I believe it--that FDR "saved" America from a Communist revolution by about 1937. Had there been no FDR, the Abraham Lincoln Brigade would have stayed here and fought instead of going to Spain. And they would have been joined by about a million WWI survivors. For that matter, the Spanish-American War vets were then about as old as I am now, and I can still shoot a rifle pretty well.
If the Republicans (I think of the French Republic, the Republican forces in Spain, etc. and laugh at the use of the name by these clowns)--as I say, if the "Republicans" continue their shortsighted, destructive, narcissistic games and block a comprehensive reform program, I think they will stand a good chance of triggering the revolution we didn't have in 1937. We're getting pretty damned close to needing it, if we can't effect big changes very soon.