seems like I made a wise decision. There are 47 pages of comments, and I got these from just the very first page: vote for John Edwards it will because he is dealing with ordinary American issues. He cares for his children, participates in the care of an ailing family member and he holds a job. Americans want a president who can relate to and is focused on health insurance, education, elder care and world environment. Too many Americans have died and too much time and money has been devoted to Iraq. We now want a human being as President that Americans and the whole world can relate to.
Posted by AnneFS at 12:16 PM : Mar 26, 2007
I hesitated watching the interview because Katie was doing it. And I was right. She is horrible, just horrible. Not just in this interview, but all around. I found this interview to be so insulting to the Edwards, especially in this time of courage they are showing. Where is her grace and wisdom? If she felt that the viewers want to know these petty questions, she is dead wrong! How off base can you be? I actually admired her when her husband was dying and the strength she showed and how she did continue to go on with her life, just as the Edward's are! That interview is an example of why her ratings are at the bottom!
Posted by machebeuf at 12:15 PM : Mar 26, 2007
Well at least Rush Limbaugh feels vindicated.
But if I wanted to hear that kind of *** I would be watching Fox, not CBS.
This was a one note interview and very distasteful. Poor job 60 minutes.
Posted by apjlaw at 12:14 PM : Mar 26, 2007
Katie Couric was cruel to the Edwards. I did not hear her say one positive thing to them. I have already switched channels for the evening news.I like 60 minutes but if this kind of behavior is allowed to continue I will quit watching that program also.
Posted by dkhanks at 12:14 PM : Mar 26, 2007
The small number of media moguls vying to be big brother want to privatize the internet...imagine if the multinational wealth behind the 3 major media outlets privatize another piece of intellectual property legally seized from the public sector and converted to a private propagandist capitalistic money mill. We'll be faced with even more Rush Limbaughs, Coulters and Courics.
Posted by l8c6 at 12:14 PM : Mar 26, 2007
I have watched 60 Minutes from its inception, and I must admit that I cringe everytime that I see Katie Couric on the broadcast. What a grand leap it is to go from the likes of Wallace, Reasoner, Safer, Bradley, and Rooney, to a junior varisty team of Katie Couric and Anderson Cooper.
What has happened to the journalistic integrity of news in this country?
Posted by kaneblues at 12:11 PM : Mar 26, 2007
CBS and K.Couris should be embaressed for the insensitive and in poor taste Edwards interview!!
Are you trying to reach the Rush Limbaugh level of media presentation??
Posted by bobisgood2 at 12:10 PM : Mar 26, 2007