Letter calls on A.G. Eric Holder and Secretary Napolitano to investigate Sheriff Joe Arpaio and consider revoking his 287(g) agreement.
Sheriff Arpaio's publicity stunts at the expense of constitutional rights have finally engendered concern in Congress. Today the House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate Arpaio for racial profiling and unconstitutional segregation of Latino detainees. They also asked Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano to terminate Sheriff Arpaio's 287g agreement with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) if the situation cannot be remedied. (287g agreements allow local law enforcement departments to enforce immigration law.)
Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers said "Racial profiling and segregation are simply not acceptable. Media stunts and braggadocio are no substitute for fair and effective law enforcement."
We have long been asking the feds to help us rein in the Sheriff. Having the House Judiciary Committee focus on the injustices in Maricopa County is a tremendous step forward. PLEASE take a moment to thank the members of Congress who signed the letter.
Rep. John Conyers: 202-225-5126 Rep. Jerry Nadler: 202-225-5635
Rep. Zoe Lofgren: 202-225-3072 Rep. Bobby Scott: 202-225-8351
In addition, we must thank Maricopa County Supervisor Mary Rose Wilcox who last week courageously called for a halt to Sheriff Arpaio's 287g agreement. 602-506-7092
RSVP NOW for AzAN's February 19th Forum at Faith Lutheran Church
Responsible Reform: Protecting Citizen Initiatives
The constitutionally guaranteed right of citizens to enact law through initiative is under attack. Problems with misleading language and fraudulent signatures were abundant during 2008.
What kinds of changes would address the current breakdowns while protecting the ability of grassroots organizations to place measures on the ballot?
We'll hear the pros and cons of the various proposals under consideration from experts experienced in running true citizen initiatives including State Representative Kyrsten Sinema, Sandy Bahr of the Sierra Club, and Attorney Stephanie Nichols Young.
RSVP by clicking here.
DATE: Thursday, February 19th
TIME: Refreshments at 5:00 PM ; Program begins at 6:00 PM
LOCATION: Parish Hall, Faith Lutheran Church 801 E. Camelback Rd., East of 7th Street on the south side of Camelback Rd.
March 19th Forum: Achieving Quality Affordable Health Care for ALL
Each one of us has been touched by America's health care crisis. Either we or someone about whom we care has been denied timely health care, turned down for insurance coverage, or suffered financial setbacks due to medical bills. Health Care for American Now is a campaign to pressure Congress to pass guaranteed quality, affordable health care for all as soon as possible. What are the strategies underway to pass health care? Who is working on it at the national and state levels? What can you do to participate?
Come hear about the different options being discussed in Congress and what we can do to move them forward.
DATE: Thursday, March 19th
TIME: Refreshments at 5:00 PM ; Program begins at 6:00 PM
LOCATION: Parish Hall, Faith Lutheran Church 801 E. Camelback Rd., East of 7th Street on the south side of Camelback Rd.
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Arizona Advocacy Network | 1616 E. Indian School Road | Suite 340 | Phoenix | AZ | 85016