Edited on Sat Feb-14-09 12:00 PM by Warren Stupidity
You have to admire their discipline, their party solidarity, and their willingness to follow their leader regardless of the consequences and risk.
Back in 2002-2003, as The Bogus Regime That Got Us Into This Mess, henceforth referred to as et al, was preparing to punish lunatic Saudi Jihadists by destroying secular Iraq, one of the Saud Clan's major enemies in the region, our party of few if any principles and almost no solidarity refused to take a stand against a bad war fought for lies, refused to gamble that not only was this a war crime in the making, but it was likely to be a massive disaster. Instead many of our legislators voted for this mess, supported it with wild jingoist nonsense rhetoric, and as a consequence blurred the lines of responsibility. The good Senator Kerry is a prime example of how badly this failure to take a stand turned out. Had we taken a stand against the war, the war might never have happened, a million or so Iraqis would not be dead as a consequence, thousands of our own soldiers would not be dead or badly wounded, and the rate at which et al was going about looting the treasury to enrich their friends and further their not so hidden agenda would have been drastically reduced.
Fast forward to this week. The Republic Party has bet the farm on two more years of economic disaster, on their fat drug addicted sex addict leader's directive to hope that the Obama administration fails to steer the nation through the worst economic crisis in 70 years. The Republics are now openly hoping that we fail as a nation, that we all suffer economically, that our financial institutions lay in ruins, the ranks of jobless crowd soup kitchens and relief offices across the land, and that they can blame this mess on the Democratic Party. Not only hoping, but actively working to obstruct and sabotage all efforts of the administration to mitigate this crisis. The Republic Party has gone All In.
If the 2010 campaign is framed by a nation coming out of a severe recession, aided in part by massive government intervention in the form of re-regulation and effective or actual nationalization of financial institutions, massive infrastructure projects, some form of universal health care, a reduction in ruinous overseas military vanity wars, real progress on a green economy - the Republic Party is doomed, doomed as it was in '34 when seen as obstructing Roosevelt they were so completely beaten in legislative elections that the Democratic Party ruled Congress for the next 50 years. It is a stunning, evil, bet they have made, and they appear to be determined to carry through with it.
If the 2010 campaign is framed by a nation, as the Republics hope, in ruins, and if the blame for that mess can be fairly or not placed entirely on the Obama administration, they think they can reverse the electoral tide that has turned against them for the last four years.
The Obama administration has done well to clearly display The Republics as obstructionists, as unwilling to negotiate, as uninterested in any bipartisan efforts. The game is on, the stakes are high. It is quite likely that the mess et al left us will not be resolved by the fall of 2010. We know for certain that Corporate Media will be bleating in unison the Republic Party line. Once again it is going to be up to all of us to make a difference.