The UnAmerican Right & Other Traitors to America
I find it interesting that the unAmerican right even refuses to serve their country when asked by the President. How low is that folks? This unAmerican Republican Sen. Judd Gregg as commerce secretary nominee tells us all we need to know about loyality from the right concerning America and it's people. He should be shamed, as being lower than VN war deserter Bush.
It is this same right wing that produced the unAmerican corporations who have no loyality to America, that refused to pass a relief bill needed by Americans, and the ring leader appears to be another on the long list of traitors, Rush "PimpleAss, I hope America Fails" Limbaugh, "close to combat" O'Rielly, "too busy to serve" Hannity, & "bald balls" Coulter INC.
It used to be a honor to serve your country, but the last 8 years of "VN War Deserting" Bush has destroyed that illusion with a handful of felons and criminals destroying our country, our honor, our constitution, and our military.
I would remind this unpatriotic bunch of traitors, when our country called for vietnam we didn't put our dislikes of the war in front of honor to serve as best we could, as patriots of America. There is a reason for this. You have a duty to serve your country when asked. The American Creed, that every True American should be pledged to if they are a Patriot of their country is as follows,
I believe in the United States of America as a Government of the People, by the People, for the People; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; A democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many Sovereign States; a perfect Union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of Freedom, Equality, Justice, and Humanity for which American Patriots sacrificed their Lives and Fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to Love it; to Support its Constitution; to obey its laws; to Respect its Flag; and to defend it against all enemies.
When Gregg was called, he refused to serve, and is a labled UnAmerican in the very eyes of this great nation and its documents.
And many rightwinged state's leaders are calling for sucession from America, with no regard to the wars we involved in, or the disruption that would cause our nation. Truely unAmericans who Hate America. The right has even run a candidate, Palin for vice president who is an admitted supporter of this Hate America at all costs by sucession of Alaska from the union.
When Kruschev said he would bury America from within, I didn't know he meant the unpatriotic unAmerican rightwing party would be his tool of choice. Yet in the last 8 years of republican control we can see Kruschev's seeds of destruction of the greatest country of earth being carried out.