After election day, I felt euphoric. Positively euphoric. I thought that for the first time in eight years I would feel some sense of hope, peace, drive, motivation, and self-respect for our country.
But it's not working out like that. My anxiety, if anything, is worse now than it was during the Bush days because I never expected anything good to happen under Bush. This anxiety is not President Obama's fault.
It's caused by two things:
1. The absolute failure of the repukes to give an inch, to allow Obama a single damned week of running things his way. It is almost as if they are all psychopaths with no conscience whatsoever who have nothing but contempt for the voting public and absolutely could not care less what we think of them. All the emails in the world probably won't make a difference. I'm sure they've just deleted mine without even reading them.
2. Some major voices in the mass media are not helping one iota when they COMPLETELY mischaracterize the stimulus package and what it does, or blow out of proportion what it means that some of Obama's nominees have withdrawn. They might not say it aloud, but they want him to fail. Even some "good guys" like George Noorey seem to want him to fail. That piece of shit (excuse my French) Lou Dobbs can't say a single positive thing about him. Even some people I like, like the guys on Bloomberg Radio seem to feel they are obligated to be skeptical about every single thing Obama does. And this is in spite of the fact that most economists are entirely in favor of Obama's plans, and if anything, they are upset that the magnitude of this stimulus package has been curtailed by the repukes.
It's infuriating. Just had to vent.