Okay, addiction is setting in. I have a long list of
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Sun Feb-15-09 02:22 AM
Original message |
Okay, addiction is setting in. I have a long list of |
DU names, pre- and post- Obama, because I don't want to forget anyone with their new names. Is that odd? :blush: And when does this change happen?
Truth be told, another DUer gave me the idea.
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Sun Feb-15-09 02:23 AM
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Sun Feb-15-09 02:29 AM
Response to Reply #1 |
3. Ha! Great minds! And you I remember! |
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Sun Feb-15-09 02:26 AM
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2. Heh. I figure that if I liked them before the name change, I'll like them after... |
So the important part - the liking - is preserved regardless, even if I lose track of who they used to be.
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Sun Feb-15-09 02:29 AM
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I blame it on memory loss - old age, thyroid, menopause, whatever seems right for the moment.
Addicted?? Nah. No way.
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Sun Feb-15-09 02:30 AM
Response to Reply #4 |
5. I think YOU gave me the idea. Thank you! And those symptoms? |
Jane Austin
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Sun Feb-15-09 03:42 AM
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I put my alphabetical list up in DU-GD a couple of weeks ago, but I've been adding to it when I see new names.
When the reminders go away, I'll put up the final list.
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Sun Feb-15-09 11:01 AM
Response to Reply #6 |
9. Great! I didn't know that you were on it! Thanks! |
Jane Austin
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Sun Feb-15-09 01:20 PM
Response to Reply #9 |
11. Here's the list I posted two weeks ago. It's almost double this now |
I'll post the final version when the red reminders go away.
It's almost double this now!
janeaustin's Journal New Names . . . . . . Old Names: My Alphabetical List Posted by janeaustin in General Discussion Tue Feb 03rd 2009, 12:02 PM I'm sure I missed many, but these were the ones I snagged over the past week. Please add your name if I missed it, and accept my apologies if I did or if I mangled it; I've had a mean case of pink eye.
New Name ............. Old Name
..__... ............. D__S 4 t 4 ............. on the EDGE AlCzervik ............. chimpsrsmarter all.of.me ............. genevat AllentownJake ............. Jake3463 Aloha Spirit ............. beat tk appal_jack ............. app_farmer_rb aquamarina ............. kesasso AspenRose ............. DesertedRose Auggie ............. Winebrat Avalux ............. sparosnare AwakeAtLast ............. WakeMeUp Bake ............. dbaker41 Barack_America ............. Kristi1696 bdamomma ............. alyce douglas begin_within ............. bob_weaver BelleCarolinaPeridot ............. CarolinaPeridot Berry Cool ............. BerryBush blueclown ............. Barack08 Bobbie Jo ............. bobbiejo BootinUp ............. Jim4Wes Brazenly Liberal ............. brazenlyliberal Brother Buzz ............. reformedluddite BuelahWitch ............. classicfilmfan Burma Jones ............. new_beawr Call me Deacon Blues............. Diogenes17 Captain Hilts ............. MookieWilson Catchy Name ............. Walter Sobchak Catherine Vincent ............. cat_girl25 Cha ............. zidzi ChairmanAgnostic ............. antifaschits chelsea0011 ............. Feeney2 City of Mills ............. ByTheRiver CLANG ............. someonehasdementia clbuck ............. abernste Coexist ............. FLDem5 CoffeeCat ............. TwoSparkles complain jane ............. the dogfish CreekDog ............. alive to Midlo CrispyQ ............. CrispyQGirl Critters2 ............. mycritters2 CTLawGuy ............. darboy customerserviceguy ............. laptoprepairguy Danger Mouse ............. Elrond Hubbard DeepBlueC ............. jeme Deja Q ............. HypnoToad Demit ............. DemItAllAnyway DesertFlower ............. sweets DevonRex ............. JenniferZ dipsydoodle ............. edwardlindy Divine Discontent ............. themartyred Doctor_Horrible ............. scstarbuck Doctor_J ............. TOJ Dr. Strange ............. Bush in Berkeley Duer 157099 ............. dotcosm Dukkha ............. Neo dysfunctional press ............. QuestionAll ecstatic ............. Truth Hurts A Lot Ediacara ............. DinoBoy EFerrari ............. sfexpat2000 Elidor ............. Hardhead EraOfResponsibility ............. Hell_If_I_Know Eurobabe ............. 48percenter Exen Trik ............. LibelousMedia Fearless ............. nothingtoofear Fire Walk With Me ............. Peake Fireweed247 ............. MartyL FirstLight ............. Journalgrrl FLAprogressive ............. Double_Talk_Express Fleshdancer ............. GloriaSmith Fovea ............. realpolitik Ganja Ninja ............. Sentinel Chicken gardenista ............. mgdecombe Gemini Cat ............. Confound W GentryDixon ............. sherbear Gold Metal Flake ............. Opposite Reaction Gonzo Gardener ............. Green Meanie GrantDem ............. jmauller Grateful for Hope ............. Hope2006 Greyhound ............. greyhound1966 guitar man ............. GTRMAN Haole Girl ............. KC2 Harry Monroe ............. NotGonnaTakeIt HarukaTheTrophyWife ............. haruka3_2000 Hassin Bin Sober ............. carpentrerman Hawkeye-X ............. HawkeyeX Hawkowl ............. hawkowl88 HCE SuiGeneris ............. BushDespiser12 Hello_Kitty ............. ccbombs HiFructosePronSyrup ............. Bornaginhooligan Hugabear ............. Paint It Black Hugin ............. Prag HysteryDiagnosis ............. 4MoronicYears Ian David ............. IanDB1 Idealism ............. halo experiment Initech ............. EOO ipfilter ............. nocaster Irish Girl ............. coincidenceor J-Lo Biafra ............. Java Queen jillan ............. pirhana Joe Chi Minh ............. KCabotDullesMarxIII Joe the Liberal ............. Azimov Joe the Revelator ............. Wolsh JTG of the PRB ............. jtg33 JuniperLea ............. Juniperx juno jones .............junofeb keroro gunsou ............. pc1971 kimmerspixelated ............. FitzmasAgain KittyWampus ............. cryingshame Kokonoe ............. kokono La Lioness Priyanka ............. lionesspriyanka lady raven ............. HereKittyKitty leeroysphitz ............. leeroysphits LisaL ............. lizzy Lucian ............. Tilion Lucinda ............. wlucinda Lyric ............. oktoberain MadBadger ............. hnmnf Manifestor_of_Light ............. Perragrande MaraJade ............. brensgrrl Maru Kitteh ............. Veganistan Matariki ............. kineta Maven ............. Harvey Korman MissB ............. missb Mist ............. lulu in NC Mnemosyne ............. vickiss Monk06 ............. gbrooks Mrs. Overall ............. paxmusa Muttocracy ............. JoeIsOneOfUs my2sense ............. jazzy062 Narkos ............. phostur NashVegas ............. Crisco Natalya Slosky ............. Aurora Borealis NJmaverick ............. nomad1776 noiretextatique ............. noiretblu NorCalDem ............. Bush in Berkeley Norrin Radd ............. Progs Rock NYC_SKP ............. Name Removed Nye Bevan ............. MathGuy Obamanaut ............. usnret88 Obamarama ............. KzooDem Old Codger ............. George65 On the Road ............. ribofunk OneGrassRoot ............. timeforarevolution ornotna ............. notawol pacalo ............. 8_year_nightmare PBS Poll-435 ............. prodn2000 peacetalksforall ............. higher class Phillycat ............. janesez Pierre.Suave ............. jasonc pleah ............. Jesuswasntafascist Political Tiger ............. ObamaVision Politicalboi ............. BecauseBushSaysSo populistdriven ............. bushmeat PresidentObama ............. Kerry2008 proud2BlibKansan ............. proud2Blib Proud Liberal Dem ............. butlerd QueenOfCalifornia ............. Gilligan RaleighNCDUer ............. NCevilDUer razors edge ............. DiktatrW RB TexLa ............. RGBolen Renew Deal ............. Bleachers7 RepublicanElephant ............. DubyasWorld RFKJrNews ............. RFKin2008 Richard Steele ............. dicksteele road2000 ............. Satbod Elder rocktivity ............. rocknation Rosa Luxemburg ............. bambino roseBudd ............. rosebud57 Sal Minella ............. Idealist Hippie SammyWinstonJack ............. Blue State Native Sanctified ............. MiltonF Sanity Claws ............. in search of sanity Seeking Serenity ............. muddleofpudd Sen. Walter Sobchak ............. policypunk Shardik ............. Just A Yeller Dawg snowbear ............. larissa SoxFan ............. BlueDogDemocratNH Starry Messenger ............. MPK stevedeshazer ............. Steve_DeShazer Stinky The Clown ............. Husb2Sparkly stray cat ............. dmordue Subdivisions ............. Texas Explorer Sultana ............. SillyFlower suninvited ............. Imagine In Texas Systematic Chaos ............. Gentle Giant That Is Quite Enough ............. Snicker-snack The Blue Flower ............. Defenestrate The Hope Mobile ............. NoMoreLurking The Velveteen Ocelot ............. ocelot TheBigotBasher ............. ukfordems TheCowsCameHome ............. Lastlaughin08 Thirtieschild ............. Disorganized ThisThreadIsSatire ............. The System Stinks Thrill ............. BrentTaylor timtom ............. nathan hale Tommy_Carcetti ............. PeterU tucsonlib ............. fingrpik TwilightGardener ............. wienerdoggie TZ ............. turtlensue UrbScotty ............. ih8thegop Vanje ............. sheeptramp Veritas_et_Aequitas ............. Liberal_Lurker Wapsie B ............. bushwentawol Warren DeMontague ............. impeachdubya WeDidIt ............. IWantAnyDem WheelWalker ............. The Village Idiot WhiteTara ............. BareNakedLiberal XemaSab ............. HowManyisaBrazilian Yes We Did ............. demdog78 Zuiderelle ............. PelosiFan
Jane Austin
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Sun Feb-15-09 01:22 PM
Response to Reply #11 |
that some punksters got past my naive brain. :)
I wanted to err on the side of inclusion, but I'll remove the ones I know about for the final edition.
Liberal In Texas
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Sun Feb-15-09 01:28 PM
Response to Reply #11 |
13. I changed mine, but not much. |
Have a heart while we're at it, you don't have enough!
Jane Austin
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Sun Feb-15-09 01:31 PM
Response to Reply #13 |
I've got your change in the ones to add for the final edition.
Thanks so much for the heart!
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Sun Feb-15-09 06:02 AM
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7. Oh no. Are you telling me that those red sentences with the old names |
are going to go away?
No fair!
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Sun Feb-15-09 06:25 AM
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8. I changed mine from NNNOLHI to NNN0LHI just to throw everyone off |
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Sun Feb-15-09 11:04 AM
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10. Eh, a little Vit-E/fish oil and you'll do just fine... |
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