Thanks for the hearts!
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Sun Feb-15-09 02:53 AM
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WOW! I've been around since 2002 and this is the first time I've been given hearts! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! :pals:
oldtime dfl_er
(1000+ posts)
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Sun Feb-15-09 02:56 AM
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1. I'm passing them out like candy! LOL |
Irish Girl
(265 posts)
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Sun Feb-15-09 02:58 AM
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2. it's a great feeling, isn't it? |
Happy (belated) Valentine's Day! :loveya:
(1000+ posts)
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Sun Feb-15-09 03:09 AM
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3. I have no idea who my donor was, but thank you!!!!1!11!!! I'm series!!! |
Edited on Sun Feb-15-09 03:09 AM by file83
You also put me in the mood to donate to DU and spread the love!!!:hug:
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:04 PM
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