"People understand the party is not a viable party with the current hole in the Midwest we have. Reince and others understand that," said Bob Wood, a party insider and D.C. lobbyist who served as a top aide to former Governor and Health Secretary Tommy Thompson.
What that means in practice is not yet clear. Priebus says Republicans have to be a party of ideas, not just opposition. But any big rebound in 2010 will depend on Democratic failures. Pointing to the budget shortfall in Wisconsin, Priebus said Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle is "much more vulnerable than people realize."
What this article does not point out, is that Tommy Thompson created that vulnerable situation for the good people of Wisconsin. He did so by using the Rep. lead legislature to create a tax giveaway as a ploy for votes. He emptied the rainy day slush fund in Wisconsin in order to garner votes. Not very fiscally responsible. This seems to be a pattern when the Rep. know they will not be re-elected. Destroy the budget. Then limp back and say the opponent is fiscally weak..... Will we buy this story line again. I hope not, but just in-case we get distracted with their shock and awe, stay alert for this argument in the midwest.