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Any ACLU/NAACP contacts up in here? There is an awful thing going on in Florala...

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
morningglory Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 10:51 AM
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Any ACLU/NAACP contacts up in here? There is an awful thing going on in Florala...
I have a friend who has relatives in Florala, Alabama. There is an amazingly talented black football player in the high school. My contact in the town said "He is a very nice boy, always polite..." She is a republic racist of the first stripe but does not believe he deserves what is happening to him. He does not have good enough grades, she said to get into a major university. He may have been able to get into a small college somewhere. A 13-yr-old girl accused him of something. Then she changed her story a "couple of times". The principle of the high school called him in and told him he was suspended for 5 days. The child replied that he was innocent until proven guilty. The principal said "For that, you get 10 days!" With borderline grades, a 10-day suspension would be very hard for him to overcome, costing him qualification for a small college. This is a very backward area full of ignorant people. A local white couple who own a thriving business contributed a large sum of money to his legal defense and the local yokels are boycotting the business. All this is hearsay, but I wish someone could get him out of the situation.
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madaboutharry Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-15-09 10:55 AM
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1. This story depresses me.
I can't bear small mindedness. I would talk to someone from the ACLU, though they are in a lot of financial trouble right now. They lost all their money through investments with Madoff.

Also, The Southern Poverty Law Center may be of help.
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