Tail thieves baffle Colorado horse owners
Intruders are hacking the hair off several horses in a rural area southeast of Denver. The animals aren't hurt. Since the hair isn't valuable, owners wonder what the point is.
By DeeDee Correll
February 15, 2009

Reporting from Elbert County, Colo. -- The horses at Tom Johnson and Jim Hoff's place once had tails that hung down to their hooves.
Shampooed and combed, they gleamed, flaxen-colored, when the Belgian draft horses drew wagons for children and pranced in parades.
But a significant portion of their tails disappeared one recent night when a knife- or scissors-wielding intruder hopped the fence into their pasture and hacked away, leaving half a dozen horses and ponies with shredded stubs.
"It's a dang shame is what it is. It makes me so mad," said Hoff, 60, co-owner of Happy Trails Horse Drawn Rides, which offers wagon rides around the state. "If they were mean horses, they would have never gotten away with it."
After reporting the incident to the sheriff, they said, they realized several other of their 15 horses and ponies also were missing tails.
The animals will suffer in the warmer months when they're unable to use their tails to swat at flies, the men said. Hoff estimated the tails grow at a rate of 3 or 4 inches a year. "When the flies get bad, those horses get miserable," he said.
The two said they may use insect repellent or look into tail extensions. "We can't let them stand out there with flies on them," Johnson said.
A suspect would face charges of animal cruelty and trespassing, Elbert County Sheriff's Investigator Mark Wilson said. But investigators have no leads.