Never reply to an email that you consider to be spam.
#2. Removal replies are often used as a ruse to add you to another email spam list
#3. Companies often sell their email lists
#4. If you receive an email that is addressed to multiple users - and the sender neglected to hide the recipient's email address behind BCC, someone else on that recipient list can snag your email address as easy as pie.
#5. If you sent a complaint email to someone like the AFA, they're going to put oyu on their email list.
#6. If you signed up to take some test or poll, using your email address, you're going to end up on strange email lists.
#7. If you email an elected representative, you're going to end up on their email list
#8. If you join an online community (not this one) with lax member security, you're going to end up on an email list
#9. If you do nothing but your email address is common enough to be re-created by an email-list generator, you're going to end up on an email list
The best thing to do with emails that you consider spam is to set up a filter to block them and report them to your email provider as spam. Another thing to do is install">THUNDERBIRD as your email client. Thunderbird's junk filter uses to artificial intelligence and will whittle down spam to practically nothing.
I am sorry you are getting spam from hateful organizations like the AFA. You have my sympathies. In my day job, I have one email account that receives over 500 spams a day. There's not much I can do about it because my only option is to use my boss' SpamArrest account. SpamArrest is run by a scumbag who, among other things, funded the film
Michael Moore Hates America and my conscience won't let me.