By following the link, you're greeted by a banner proclaiming "One Man. One Woman. That's marriage" and an amateurish video about the supposed threat, through which we learn that marriage is the sacred union between one male clip art model and one female clip art model, and that the gay agenda is apparently out to get us all in the form of a sniper scope targeting happy families who sit on their steps and entertain their children by blowing bubbles (seriously - it's at the one minute mark).
To stop the nefarious threat of the Gay Bubble Sniper, the site advises you to join in the "Take 4" plan, which consists of four easy steps - the first of which is (surprise!) "Donate."
But to whom?
The site doesn't tell us.
There are subsections and links to various conservative groups, such as something called Pastors4marriage - though whether you're donating to them or to a newly-formed organization named "WV for Marriage" isn't made clear.
Their strategist was none other than, you guessed it, Mark Montini, who kicked off their efforts with a video which may be the stupidest homophobic message in political history.