Last week republican lawmakers reminded me of something that I had experienced in my life. After some thought it came to me. Third grade catechism recitation.
Every day each of us would have to stand in front of the class and recite our Baltimore catechism questions and answers under the watchful eye of God in the person of Sister Mary Hulk Hogan. Should we make a mistake or in the case of the boys, be thought to not be sincere, Sister Mary Hulk would smite us with the ruler of God.
Well, last week republicans trooped to the podium to repeat four or five talking points given to them by their God, Rush Limbaugh. I would like to repeat the points, but I quit paying attention after the second one. But the point here is that the republican lawmakers were being watched over not by Sister Mary Hulk but by the unseen spirit of Rush. Should any one of the many older, white men who trod dutifully to the podium not repeat their points perfectly or not show the proper spirit, the wrath of Rush wil be called down upon them. Faulty republicans could look forward to crazy threatening calls, emails and LTTEs in local papers.
Keeping republicans in line is very similar to keeping 3rd grade boys in line. Let them have the fear of their God brought down on them.