How many millions were spent...
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Mon Feb-16-09 12:17 PM
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How many millions were spent... |
...on investigating Bill Clinton's private life? 100?
The next time you hear another idiot question Obama's birthplace then ask them why it is that not one Republican Congressperson has come forward. Remind them of the millions spent on Clinton investigations and ask them why the silence now from the GOP Congress, if there is any truth to this claim.
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Mon Feb-16-09 12:21 PM
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1. approximately 70 million |
I forget how many minutes in Iraq that is ...
Mz Pip
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Mon Feb-16-09 12:22 PM
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2. It's all a conspiracy! |
For every logical, legitimate question there will be an equally illogical and absurd answer. For these people, it isn't about the truth. The truth is that Obama is a citizen and he is President. They don't want to believe either.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:09 PM
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