Bill O'Reilly's latest rant against Appalachia, I got to wondering what part of our country "Pro-America" FOX actually likes. For a long time we've known that they don't like California, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Orleans and Washington, D.C. And now we know that the multi-state region of Appalachia is a lost cause. You can't trust our institutions (says FOX) because the media is in the tank for Barack Obama, the secret Stalinist, all aided and abetted by those traitorous Democrats running Congress. What part of America does patriotic FOX News actually like? It's hard to know. Here's a sampling of the sentiments:
"I'd like to take a star right out of our flag, and California is it."
Glenn Beck, 1/30/09
"(Iraq) is like California with Baghdad as LA with Hispanics, white and blacks." Ann Coulter on Hannity & Colmes, 1/17/07
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